GLL - 109 languages
Network Type: Global
Firm Type(s): Law Description: About us The Harmonie Group was founded in 1992 at the Harmonie Club in New York City, when several experienced and well-respected members of the defense bar met to discuss forming a national network of high quality law firms that had the proven ability to serve the special needs of the risk industry. The Group believed then, as it does now, that both clients and attorneys benefit from a better understanding of the unique circumstances and concerns facing each of them. The members at the initial meeting wanted to create an organization where quality members would be encouraged to introduce their quality clients to other members,to promote an exchange of ideas between clients and lawyers, and to have frank discussions concerning the lawyer/client relationship. Potential Harmonie Group members were identified from contacts in thefollowing areas: the risk industry, the International Association of Defense Counsel, the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel, the Defense Research Institute, the American Bar Association Sections, and from law firms having high industry ratings. The founding members, and later the organization as a whole, carefully identified quality firms in jurisdictions across the country, from which the best of the best were chosen to join The Harmonie Group. Harmonie lawyers practice in all fifty states. Statistics
Founded: 1992 Members: 99 Total Professionals: 5000 Offices: Cumulative Revenues: Management
Title: Executive Director Email: Website: Telephone: 952-928-4654 Network Countries Countries: Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Czech Republic England Estonia France Hungary India Israel Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Mexico Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Russia Scotland Serbia Spain Sweden United States of America Vietnam Virgin Islands, British
States: Alabama Alberta Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Australia![]() 0001 Gilchrist Connell Contact: Stephen Connell Title: Email: Phone: 61 2 8240 8001 Offices: Sydney Want Referrals: Undecided Austria![]() 0001 DORDA BRUGGER JORDIS Rechtsanwalte GmbH Contact: Felix H�rlsberger Title: Email: Phone: 43 1 533 47 95-38 Offices: Vienna Want Referrals: Undecided BelgiumBrazil![]() 0001 Demarest Advogados Contact: Marcia Cicarelli Barbosa De Oliveira Title: Email: Phone: (55 11) 3356-1800 Offices: S�o Paulo-sp - Cep Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Wongtschowski & Zanotta Advogados Contact: V�nia Wongtschowski Title: Email: Phone: (55 11) 3818-5520 Offices: S�o Paulo Want Referrals: Undecided Canada![]() 0001 Bingham Law Droit Contact: Terrence Ls Teed Title: Email: Phone: (506) 383-6312 Offices: Moncton Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Brownlee LLP Contact: David M. Pick Title: Email: Phone: (403) 260-5303 Offices: Calgary Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Brownlee LLP Contact: Ronald R Nelson Title: Email: Phone: (780) 497-4851 Offices: Edmonton Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 McCague Borlack LLP Contact: Paul Mccague Title: Email: Phone: (416) 860-0010 Offices: Toronto Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 McDougall Gauley LLP Contact: Gary Zabos Title: Email: Phone: (306) 665-5438 Offices: Saskatoon Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Ritch Williams & Richards Contact: Murray Ritch Title: Email: Phone: (902) 429-3400 Offices: Halifax Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Robinson Sheppard Shapiro LLP Contact: Michel Green Title: Email: Phone: (514) 393-4031 Offices: Montréal Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation Contact: Kim Wigmore Title: Email: Phone: (604) 891-7215 Offices: Vancouver Want Referrals: Undecided Czech Republic![]() 0001 Glatzova & Co. Contact: Marek Bedn�r Title: Email: Phone: (+ 420) 224 401 440 Offices: Prague 1 Want Referrals: Undecided England![]() 0001 Browne Jacobson LLP Contact: Kevin Lawson Title: Email: Phone: 44 121 237 3935 Offices: Birmingham Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Browne Jacobson LLP Contact: Michael Howard Title: Email: Phone: 020 7337 1506 Offices: London Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Warners Solicitors Contact: Mark Rosser Title: Partner Email: Phone: +44 1732 747900 Offices: Kent Want Referrals: Undecided Estonia![]() 0001 COBALT Estonia Contact: Marina Tolmatshova Title: Email: Phone: 372 6306460 Offices: Tallinn Want Referrals: Undecided France![]() 0001 HMN & Partners Contact: Gerard Honig Title: Email: Phone: 33 (0) 1 53 57 50 50 Offices: Paris Want Referrals: Undecided Hungary![]() 0001 Forgo, Damjanovic & Partners Law Firm Contact: G�bor Damjanovic Title: Email: Phone: 36 1 214 0080 Offices: Budapest Want Referrals: Undecided IndiaIsrael![]() 0001 Levitan, Sharon & Co. Contact: Keren Marco Title: Email: Phone: 972-3-6886768 Offices: Tel Aviv Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Yaacov Salomon Lipschütz & c° Contact: Amit Ron Title: Partner Email: Phone: +972 4 8140500 Offices: Haifa Want Referrals: Undecided Italy![]() 0001 Studio Legale Volpe Putzolu E Russo Contact: Claudio Russo Title: Email: Phone: 39 (0)6 8074808-80690391 Offices: Rome Want Referrals: Undecided Japan![]() 0001 Tozai Sogo Law Office Contact: Jeffrey P Clemente Title: Email: Phone: 81-3-3221-3691 Offices: Tokyo Want Referrals: Undecided Latvia![]() 0001 Klavins Ellex Contact: Daiga Zivtina Title: Email: Phone: 371 6781 4848 Offices: Riga Want Referrals: Undecided Lithuania![]() 0001 Valiunas Ellex Contact: Gediminas Reciunas Title: Email: Phone: 370 52681819 Offices: Vilnius Want Referrals: Undecided Mexico![]() 0001 ColinVega Abogados Contact: Francisco Fletes Title: Email: Phone: 52 (55) 5540.2932 Offices: Mexico City Want Referrals: Undecided Netherlands![]() 0001 Van Doorne N.V. Contact: Annemieke Hendrikse Title: Email: Phone: 312 0 6789 365 Offices: Amsterdam Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Willems Advocaten & Rechtsanwälte Contact: Hans Mathijsen Title: Managing Partner Email: Phone: +31 20 833 0 833 Offices: Amsterdam Want Referrals: Undecided Norway![]() 0001 Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS Contact: Mikal Br�ndmo Title: Email: Phone: 47 22 43 30 00 Offices: Oslo Want Referrals: Undecided Poland![]() 0001 Wardynski & Partners Contact: Monika Hartung Title: Email: Phone: (+48) 22 437 82 00 Offices: Warsaw Want Referrals: Undecided Portugal![]() 0001 LFCaldas - Advogados Contact: Lu�s Filipe Caldas Title: Email: Phone: 351 21 131 51 44 Offices: Lisboa Want Referrals: Undecided Puerto Rico![]() 0001 Colon & Colon, PSC Contact: Francisco J Colón-pagán Title: Email: Phone: (787) 758-6060 x236 Offices: San Juan Want Referrals: Undecided Russia![]() 0001 KIAP, Attorneys At Law Contact: Konstantin Astafiev Title: Email: Phone: 7 495 660-49-09 Offices: Moscow Want Referrals: Undecided Scotland![]() 0001 BTO Solicitors LLP Contact: Bill Speirs Title: Email: Phone: 011 +44 141 221 8012 Offices: Glasgow Want Referrals: Undecided Serbia![]() 0001 Karanovic & Nikolic Contact: Milan Lazic Title: Email: Phone: 381 11 3094 200 Offices: Belgrade Want Referrals: Undecided Spain![]() 0001 Munoz Arribas Abogados Contact: Jos� Antonio Munoz Villarreal Title: Email: Phone: (+34) 915 569 108 Offices: Madrid Want Referrals: Undecided Sweden![]() 0001 Advokatfirman Vinge KB Contact: Magnus Hedsund Title: Email: Phone: 46 10 614 55 35 Offices: Malmo Want Referrals: Undecided United States of America![]() 0001 Abrams, Gorelick, Friedman & Jacobson, LLP Contact: Glenn A Jacobson Title: Email: Phone: (212) 422-1200 Offices: New York Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Ahlers & Cooney, P.C. Contact: David H Luginbill Title: Email: Phone: (515) 246-0325 Offices: Des Moines Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Andrew C. Simpson, P.C. Contact: Andrew C Simpson Title: Email: Phone: (340) 719-3900 Offices: Christiansted Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC Contact: John S. Hicks Title: Email: Phone: (615) 726-7337 Offices: Nashville Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Barber Law Firm PLLC Contact: Carter Fairley Title: Email: Phone: (501) 707-6182 Offices: Little Rock Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Best & Sharp Contact: Sean Mckee Title: Email: Phone: (918) 582-1234 Offices: Tulsa Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Betts, Patterson & Mines, P.S. Contact: Christopher W Tompkins Title: Email: Phone: (206) 268-8682 Offices: Seattle Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Billing, Cochran, Lyles, Mauro & Ramsey, P.A. Contact: Richard T Woulfe Title: Email: Phone: (954) 764-7150 Offices: Fort Lauderdale Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Braff, Harris, Sukoneck & Maloof Contact: Brian C Harris Title: Email: Phone: (973) 994-6677 x132 Offices: Livingston Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Brown Sims, P.C. Contact: Michael D Williams Title: Email: Phone: (713) 351-6250 Offices: Houston Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Burnham Brown Contact: Tom Downey Title: Email: Phone: (510) 835-6716 Offices: Oakland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Butler Snow LLP Contact: Paul V. Cassisa Title: 55 Email: Phone: (662) 513-8004 Offices: Oxford Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy Professional Corporation Contact: Brian P Voke Title: Email: Phone: (617) 241-3042 Offices: Providence Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy Professional Corporation Contact: Brian P Voke Title: Email: Phone: (617) 241-3042 Offices: Boston Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Campbell Campbell Edwards & Conroy Professional Corporation Contact: Brian P Voke Title: Email: Phone: (617) 241-3042 Offices: Portland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Cranfill Sumner & Hartzog LLP Contact: Rob Griffin Title: Email: Phone: (919) 863-8723 Offices: Raleigh Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Drew, Eckl & Farnham, LLP Contact: G Randall Moody Title: Email: Phone: (404) 885-6223 Offices: Atlanta Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., L.L.O. Contact: Jerald L Rauterkus Title: Email: Phone: (402) 390-7113 Offices: Omaha Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Fisher Rushmer, P.A. Contact: John Fisher Title: Email: Phone: (407) 843-2111 Offices: Orlando Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Garan Lucow Miller P.C. Contact: Ebony L. Duff Title: Email: Phone: (313) 446-1530 Offices: Detroit Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Gordon & Polscer, L.L.C. Contact: Mary-anne Rayburn Title: Email: Phone: (503) 802-9159 Offices: Portland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Guilday, Simpson, West, Hatch, Lowe & Roane, P.A. Contact: Mary K Simpson Title: Email: Phone: (850) 224-7091 Offices: Tallahassee Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson & Ashmore, LLP Contact: J Crisman Palmer Title: Email: Phone: (605) 342-1078-x111 Offices: Rapid City Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Harman, Claytor, Corrigan & Wellman, P.C. Contact: Michael E Harman Title: Email: Phone: (804) 762-8013 Offices: Richmond Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Hermes Law, P.C. Contact: Dwayne J Hermes Title: Email: Phone: (214) 749-6522 Offices: Dallas Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Hirst Applegate, LLP Contact: Robert C Jarosh Title: Email: Phone: (307) 632-0541 x404 Offices: Cheyenne Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Hurwitz & Fine, P.C. Contact: Andrea Schillaci Title: Email: Phone: (716) 849-8951 Offices: Buffalo Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Keller Landsberg PA Contact: D David Keller Title: Email: Phone: (954) 761-3550 Offices: Fort Lauderdale Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Kightlinger & Gray, LLP Contact: Michael E Brown Title: Email: Phone: (317) 968-8119 Offices: Indianapolis Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Manning & Kass Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester LLP Contact: David Reeder Title: Email: Phone: (619) 515-0269 Offices: Los Angeles Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Margolis Edelstein Contact: James H Brown Title: Email: Phone: (215) 931-5821 Offices: Philadelphia Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Margolis Edelstein Contact: Stephen L. Banko Title: Email: Phone: (717) 760-7501 Offices: Camp Hill Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 MB Law Group, LLP Contact: Michael J Farrell Title: Email: Phone: (503) 220-4289 Offices: Portland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Meagher & Geer, P.L.L.P. Contact: Bradley M Jones Title: Email: Phone: (612) 347-9196 Offices: Bismarck Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Meagher & Geer, P.L.L.P. Contact: Bradley M Jones Title: Email: Phone: (612) 226-4658 Offices: Minneapolis Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Milodragovich, Dale & Steinbrenner, P.C. Contact: Michael J Milodragovich Title: Email: Phone: (406) 728-1455 Offices: Missoula Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Molod Spitz & DeSantis, P.C. Contact: Alice Spitz Title: Email: Phone: (212) 869-3200 Offices: New York Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Norman, Wood, Kendrick & Turner Contact: Thomas A Kendrick Title: Email: Phone: (205) 259-1032 Offices: Birmingham Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Olson, Cannon, Gormley, Angulo & Stoberski Contact: James R Olson Title: Email: Phone: (702) 384-4012 Offices: Las Vegas Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Paul Frank + Collins P.C. Contact: Robert S Dipalma Title: Email: Phone: (802) 860-4122 Offices: Burlington Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Pessin Katz Law, P.A. Contact: Drake Zaharris Title: Email: Phone: (410) 339-6750 Offices: Towson Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Peterson, Johnson & Murray, S.C. Contact: Clayton L Riddle Title: Email: Phone: (414) 278-8800 Offices: Milwaukee Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Pitzer Snodgrass, P.C. Contact: Gary E Snodgrass Title: Email: Phone: (314) 421-5545 Offices: Saint Louis Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Powers Tolman Farley, PLLC Contact: Donald J Farley Title: Email: Phone: (208) 577-5100 Offices: Boise Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Reminger Co., L.P.A. Contact: Stephen E Walters Title: Email: Phone: (216) 430-2134 Offices: Cleveland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Richardson Plowden & Robinson, P.A. Contact: Samia H. Nettles Title: Email: Phone: (843) 805-6550 Offices: Charleston Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, P.A. Contact: David W Bunting Title: Email: Phone: (505) 766-7545 Offices: Albuquerque Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Ruddy Gregory, PLLC Contact: Mark Ruddy Title: Principal Attorney Email: Phone: +1 202 797 0762 Offices: Washington Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Ryan Ryan Deluca LLP Contact: Charles A Deluca Title: Email: Phone: (203) 541-5000 Offices: Stamford Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman LLP Contact: Timothy V Hoffman Title: Email: Phone: (312) 214-3007 Offices: Chicago Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Snow Christensen & Martineau Contact: Andrew M Morse Title: Email: Phone: (801) 322-9183 Offices: Salt Lake City Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Spile, Leff & Goor, LLP Contact: Steven D Spile Title: Email: Phone: (818) 784-6899 Offices: Los Angeles Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Stites & Harbison, PLLC Contact: John L Tate Title: Email: Phone: (502) 681-0460 Offices: Louisville Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC Contact: Robert J Lanney Title: Email: Phone: (603) 223-2831 Offices: Concord Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC Contact: Robert J Lanney Title: Email: Phone: (207) 253-5141 Offices: Portland Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Sutterfield & Webb, L.L.C. Contact: Daniel A Webb Title: Email: Phone: (504) 596-2444 Offices: New Orleans Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 The Cavanagh Law Firm, P.A. Contact: Cassandra Meyer Title: Email: Phone: (602) 322-4051 Offices: Phoenix Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Treece Alfrey Musat P.C. Contact: Jeremy L Swift Title: Email: Phone: (303) 292-2700 Offices: Denver Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown & Enochs, Chartered Contact: John Ross Title: Email: Phone: (913) 888-1000 Offices: Kansas City Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Wallace, Saunders, Austin, Brown & Enochs, Chartered Contact: John M Ross Title: Email: Phone: (913) 752-5573 Offices: Overland Park Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Wright, Constable & Skeen, LLP Contact: Frederick L Kobb Title: Email: Phone: (410) 659-1348 Offices: Baltimore Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Zimmer Kunz, PLLC Contact: Joni Mangino Title: Email: Phone: (304) 292-8531 Offices: Morgantown Want Referrals: Undecided ![]() 0001 Zimmer Kunz, PLLC Contact: Joni Mangino Title: Email: Phone: (412) 281-8000 Offices: Pittsburgh Want Referrals: Undecided VietnamVirgin Islands, British![]() 0001 Andrew C. Simpson, P.C. Contact: Andrew C. Simpson Title: Email: Phone: (340) 514-6073 Offices: Christiansted Want Referrals: Undecided |
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