Create a User Account or Claim Your Largest Firm, Network, Consultant, ALSP or Media Account

Please create an User account to use RFQ's and have access to practice information. OR claim and edit your profile information as a Large Firm, Network, Consultant, ALSP or Media.

Step 1: Create User Account: Enter your personal email address below and 'Sign up'. Or Claim Existing Accounts: Enter email as it appears in your existing profile.

Step 2: Go to your email account, find the verification email that was just sent, and click on the link.

Step 3: Enter your first name and choose a password.

Step 4: You will be taken to a page to add an User account. Or Claim account to edit information about yourself and organization and begin utilizing the system.

How to Video - Claiming your account

Thank you for creating an personal account or claiming an organization account!!